Friday, March 23, 2012

Starting Seedlings on the Cheap at Anktangle

seeds in child's handI'm happy to have a guest post on frugal ways to kickstart your garden at Anktangle.

I love gardening, and I love that it's possible to garden frugally. If you've been curious about what kind of setup is necessary for starting plants indoors, here are some practical tips to get you and your family growing.

It's the perfect time to start some seedlings for your summer garden (if you live in the northern hemisphere, at any rate). And you can do it successfully with little fuss and expense and not much in the way of special equipment and supplies.

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4babygem said...

the jump isn't working for me. it's sending me to anktangle's 404 page.

Lauren Wayne said...

@4babygem: You're right — link fixed! Thanks.

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