The rather dreary fall weather today has curtailed our dreams of hopping a ferry to one of the islands. (Didn't that sound fabulous?) But we're still committed to having some sort of family fun today, so I'll just fire off what I've got.
- The title is a nod to "Multiple Tens" from Anktangle.
- "Make Your Own Gifts for Toddlers and Preschoolers – Tutorial Round-up" from Code Name: Mama:
Wonderful roundup of homemade gifts for children, just in time to get started on for the holidays! And I'm not saying this only because she featured my Mini Mei-Tai. Dionna's listed tutorials for everything from felt food to busy books to stick horses to wooden puzzles. Think what a Santa Claus you could be this Christmas! Here's an additional one from Grosgrain for a "'No Sew' Scrap Scarf" that I would like to make for my niece, if you want one more (super-easy) idea.
- "I was pregnant for 10 months" from The Guardian, via Becoming Mamas: I've long been dismissive of due dates. This article about healthy "overdue" babies is so interesting. I could not STAND being asked one DAY after my due date, "Why isn't the baby here yet?!?" As if due date = expiration date.
- I should really just say, "Subscribe to Spilt Milk" and leave it at that:
- "Get junked": Junk food does not equal street drugs. Thanks for the breath of common sense.
- "Bullies = bullies, children =/= sociopaths and other simple equations": (I'm just now realizing that's a lot of equalses in a row.) Spot-on and eye-opening take on how teachers and adults typically don't take bullying seriously, when such assaults would be taken seriously if it were an adult-on-adult situation.
"Some bullying is sexual assault. Some bullying is stalking, stealing, or some other form of crime and yet, these crimes go unpunished because they were committed not only by, but against, young people. When teachers, parents, school administrators and other adults don’t wish to acknowledge the seriousness of bullying they are not only minimising the crimes committed … they are also minimising the value and agency of the victim. They are also saying that because the victim is a child or young person, hir pain is less real than an adult’s and hir right to justice is subsequently curtailed. And they wouldn’t say that if they didn’t believe that young people were lesser."
- In honor of International Babywearing Week, Nursing Freedom has a series of posts on "Breastfeeding While Babywearing":
- "What’s Happening with my Book Dream" from Amber is putting together a book of stories from Canadian parents. That's not me, but it might just be you. If it is, she has a form for you to fill out. And then, one day, you'll be in print, baby!
- While I may not be Canadian myself, I will point out that I am a STAR in Canada. At least, that's how I'm taking the fact that my picture is in a B.C. paper: "'Baby Cafes' to mark World Breastfeeding Week in Richmond", sent in by a delightful reader.

- I'm sure it's because I'm pregnant, but I had to go check out Lennart Nilsson's prenatal photography again.
I've been mesmerized by it ever since my parents first gave me a stack of books about "Where do babies come from?" when my mom unexpectedly became pregnant with my little brother when I was 8. I like that I've been able to show Mikko, in clear and artistic photographs, This is what the baby looks like, right now.
- If you want to make your own blog button (little badge or banner ad) with a nice little
grab box, I have a tutorial series over at
- "How to make a blog button code" — a basic code you can copy and adapt
- "How to make a blog button grab box" — if you want a little code box like I have in the sidebar for the Hobo Mama button
- "Uploading a new blog button without changing the button code" — for when you want to replace the image without bothering your readers
- I have a stupendous giveaway up at Hobo Mama Reviews: 25 custom photo cards
from Photo Card Creations. These chic, designer cards are worth about $62. Contest is open to U.S. addresses only. Enter by October 26.
Stay tuned for the October Carnival of Natural Parenting on Tuesday!
You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.
Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries (on hiatus), Maman A Droit, Navelgazing, pocket.buddha, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures, and This Adventure Life for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)
Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!
Oh boy! I am getting so excited looking at that roundup list of gifts to make for kids! We have a small Christmas budget this year due to the bill for Surprise Baby and because we are planning to do an Advent Conspiracy-inspired Christmas, make most of our gifts and make a donation with some of the money we save. I am feeling the pressure to make Christmas morning memorable, but not excessive. I was already planning to make Suzi a superhero cape and maybe a t-shirt with her initial on it. I will definitely be going through that list when I have a little time later!
Aw, thanks so much for giving my book post a shout-out! You rock. :)
Ooh, thanks for publicizing my nerdiness. Glad to know I'm in good company!
How exciting on that pic of you in the article! I hope they asked permission first!
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