This post was written as part of The Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing Photos! Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 18th through the 31st!
Today is a babywearing fashion show at the Breastfeeding Cafe! In honor of the theme and the breastfeeding carnival, I decided to showcase a few babywearing-plus-breastfeeding pictures.

In the ERGO on a hike at 1 year old

Testing out the Sleepy Wrap

Even babywearing babies need a snuggle break —
after testing out the Mini Mei Tai I made for his cousin
You can find more babywearing photos in my flickr set, and I'll keep adding more.
Here are more posts by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Amy @ Anktangle—wordless wednesday: babywearing in the first week
- Timbra @ Bosoms & Babes—Every-WEAR we go
- Yuliya @ She Suggests—Babywearing Fashion Show
- Kaitlin Rose @ Bring Birth Home—Babywearing Photo Virtual Fashion Show
- Melodie @ Breastfeeding Moms
Unite!—Sentimental Baby Carrier - Shelly @ Lousy Mom—Worst babywearing photo ever
- Kate @ KateIsFun—Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing
- Lauren @ Hobo Mama—Wordless Wednesday: Breastfeeding and babywearing
- Emily @ Baby Dickey—Wordless Wednesday: babywearing
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl—Wordless Wednesday: Every Babywearing Photo
- Natasha @ naturalurbanmama—Wordless Wednesday: My Favourite Babywearing Pics
- Renee @ Just the 5 of us!—Baby Wearing
- Brooke @ Milk Maid Mama—Baby Wearing
- Veronica @ Crunchy VT Mommy—Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing Photos
- Anne @ Dou-la-la—Wordless Wednesday: Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival- Babywearing!
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s Blog today is Sherrie Green—Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing Photos
Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!
I wish I had photos of my kids nursing in their carriers. Back then I didn't think it was such a big deal to have photos of everything. Ah, the regrets.
I love the mini mei tai! These are such sweet photos.
I love the pictures! My favorite is the middle one. So sweet! I don't think I have any pictures of Michael nursing in his carrier. :(
Beautiful! I can't seem to nurse in my Ergo, my babe fusses and fusses, and it's too bad because it would be mighty convenient to do so!
I love, Love, LOVE the picture of Mikko nursing while wearing his baby! I love that you give him a doll. My little dude has two dolls (they are identical--I bought the second one as a "back-up" if we ever lost Baby (original name, I know) but once he saw it, he had to have it too. I honestly think he's more affectionate because of his babies.
That was really rambly, but I do love that picture! :o)
I too love to see little boys wearing their dolls! My daughter wanted a sling for her babies only very briefly, I think maybe because she wasn't able to get it on & off by herself...
lovely photos. :)
I don't have a single nursing photo. Makes me a little sad.
Your pics are lovely.
beautiful pictures!
i tried to nurse, wish i had pics to prove it...
Yes, that mini mei tai is adorable!!
Those are beautiful photos!! I never did get the hang of babywearing when my girls were little - I so wish I'd tried harder. :)
Breastfeeding in public was debated last year in the news which is ridiculous because the last thing a working mother needs is having to deal with myopic people. When I'm overseas in caucasian countries, it's a commonsight.
Great pics! Thanks for linkin up for WW!
Breastfeeding was just coming back into 'fashion' when my 2 boys came into my life. I was only able to try with the second and had cystitis and even the home nurse assigned to me seemed unable to help me. Things have come a long ways!
Your photos are so beautiful! I hope you have time to come and link up over by me.
Faythe @GrammyMousetails
These photos are absolutely precious! And the last one of Mikko with his mini mei tai? Too stinkin' cute. :)
Thanks for stopping by the other day. I'm slowly playing catch up. *sigh* Hope life is going well in your neck of the woods. Have a great weekend.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
Thanks, everyone!
If there's one thing this carnival has taught me, it's that we all need to take more photos. :) Particularly of those things we do all the time but don't think to snap a picture of (or ask someone else to), like breastfeeding and babywearing and cosleeping (my personal challenge — low light levels don't help there, sigh).
I also love watching my son with his babies, and yes, their names are just that boring, Laura. :) He really gets into nurturing them … when they're not tossed face down in a toy bin, you know, but such is the life of the toy of a three-year-old.
As you might be able to tell from the pictures, I only really got the hang of nursing while babywearing once Mikko was old enough to sit up. Then I could do an upright front or hip carry. In the Ergo, Yullya, you have to scootch it down down down over your hips to get the angle right, but maybe it's just not working for you yet. You could try again later. A hip carry in a ring sling works easily, too. I wanted to learn to breastfeed Mikko lying down in a carrier as a newborn, but he always hated having his head covered. Go figure!
I'm trying to make a bunch of mini mei tais to give as big-sib gifts to some friends who've recently had babies, along with regular mei tais for the friends. So of course they've all gone and had twins. Although, I figure if they can go through all the work of bearing twins, I can probably go through the work of making two gifts. Michelle: Mikko will wear his only for a short period, too, before he wants out. Maybe something with buckles would be easier for them?
stan: It is so odd, isn't it? Here's hoping it stops being a debate soon.
GrammyMouseTails: I'm always impressed with people who even try to breastfeed when they get such poor support. You did what you could, and it's sad the home nurse couldn't help you.
Ah, Kristi, I'm perennially behind. You never need to apologize here for that. :)
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