Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Nursing in public

In honor of this week's Carnival of Nursing in Public, I'm putting up some of my favorite NIP pics from three years of shameless breastfeeding — anywhere, everywhere, whenever my baby needs it!

Please forgive all the words. I wanted to describe where all the nursing was taking place!

first time breastfeeding in hospital
First meal in the hospital

Lavender festival on Vashon Island at 1 month old — I figured out a way to keep my hands free to make lavender wands!

At the midwives' picnic at 2 months old

After hiking down to the beach in Discovery Park (Hint: This was used as the cover on my NEW, self-published, upcoming BOOK! Are you excited? I am!)
Also, I just want to point out that I was low on the non-maternity shirts at that point. Ha!

Navy Pier in Chicago at 4 months old

Visiting another park at 11 months

breastfeeding in the ERGO
Hiking to Sol Duc Falls in the ERGO at 12 months

Post-surgery recovery at 12 months at Seattle Children's Hospital

Pacific Science Center's Tropical Butterfly House at 2 years old

After his third birthday party on Alki Beach

A note to all you nursing mamas out there: Take pictures. You'll never regret having too many! (But remember to change your shirt once in awhile...)

Go check out the Carnival of Nursing In Public posts at! They're incredible. I personally have two articles in the carnival so far: "Extended breastfeeding around extended family" and "Making nursing in public comfortable for you."

And you'll see these photos in a slideshow in the Carnival of NIP at some point, but you can never have too much normalizing of breastfeeding.

P.S. Sorry I didn't make the WW rounds last week. Our router had died, and I didn't have much internet access to speak of. I'm still trying to make up!

Find sites to link up your Wordless Wednesday post
at my super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
and let me know if you have one to add.
You can also link up a thumbnail from your post below!

This linky list is now closed.


Gappy said...

Beautiful pictures. How fantastic that your little one was still able to have that primal comfort and nutrition after an operation. I bet it really helped in his recovery.

Sarah @ OneStarryNight said...

I LOVE all of those photos. You're right though about making sure to TAKE PHOTOS. I have maybe FOUR photos total of me breastfeeding my oldest son because his bio-father wouldn't take any photos of me with him (like... ever...)

With DS2 I have a handful of photos of him breastfeeding, but I haven't gotten any lately which I should remedy!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Breathtakingly beautiful photos! I don't have nearly enough photos of myself nursing my daughter and that's such a shame. She's my last baby and I'll never have the opportunity to breastfeed again once she self weans. I must have my hubby take a few photos soon. These were absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

PS Come on over & link up if you haven't had a chance to do so yet. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful memories you captured! I loved nursing.

Run DMT said...

What wonderful photos!

You are so right about the nursing photos. I nursed my oldest for 3 years and I don't have many photos to share from that experience.

I only nursed my youngest for 5 months due to several complications, so there aren't many photos of our nursing experience.

I promise to improve that with Baby #3! :-)

Thanks for the WW link-up!

4 Lettre Words said...

LOVE these so much! My youngest is 29 months and he's still nursing. :o)

Jenny said...

Love your photos. Mikko is such a beautiful boy! I stumbled across some nursing pictures the other day that I'd snapped when Suzi was a newborn. It's such a sweet time to remember. There are lots of nursing pics of both my girls nursing at different ages, and I'm so glad I have them.

Stefanie Nadine said...

Beautiful pictures! You are my inspiration for continuing breastfeeding as long as my little one wants and needs it. Thank you for sharing!

Carrie said...

I always looked so weird in my breastfeeding pictures :) You look fabulous!

Happy WW!

faith ann raider said...

I LOVE that last one!!

alicia said...

Great photos. Sadly I never got any of me nursing either one of mine. Thanks for dropping by and linking up for WW!

The Mayor! said...

LOL, I got pretty good at doing almost anything while nursing...after about 8 yrs worth, I should think so! What people never seem to grasp is that nursing in public isn't about whipping out your boob & plopping it on the table...discretion can easily be achieved even without "covering up"...I can't tell you how many times people came over to see the baby in my arms & my having to say, "I'm nursing right now"....

Beautiful, precious shots Marilyn!

Andrea said...

How beautiful. I'm feeling a little emotional looking at these pics. I have NO pictures of us nursing. Maybe 1-2 from the hospital. So clueless. Should I have the chance to nurse if I am blessed w/ a 2nd child someday I should absolutely remember to take pics! It's not something to hide, it's something to be proud of! Beautiful!

Cassie said...

I love these pictures. I wish I would have taken more of us nursing when Luke was small. So great.

Amy @ babybabylemon said...

What a great collection of photos. I am going to have to get a few more of my guy nursing. I think I have 2 and he is almost a year.

Maryellen said...

How wonderful! As the mama of a little girl who was officially diagnosed as a "wimpy sucker" by my lactation consultant, I was a full-time pumper for 12 months. What a horror that was! I always said I would breastfeed her as long as she wanted to go. Alas, she had different plans. But, I am proud that I lasted a full year on my Medela! I was able to get one pic of her latched on, and it's my favorite!!! Keep up the great work, Mama!

Anonymous said...

Well you were spot on when you said they were the same but different! Yours is much, much better!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

The very best insurance to giving a child a good healthy start both physically and emotionally.

Liz Mays said...

What I noticed most is that you have such a sweet and loving expression in each of the photos. :)

Jessica said...

I have tons and tons of bf'ing pics but they're all mostly of me in the car or at home. Since I'm the photographer of the family I never really had the presence of mind to take a snapshot of me in public while nursing, but I sure wish I had!

Unknown said...

that was a lovely tribute!

Kristin @ Intrepid Murmurings said...

Those are great pictures!!! I agree - get pictures! I do not have enough nursing pictures, especially past infancy. And I love them.

Thats exciting about the book!!!

Jen said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I was happy to help, as it is such an important topic. Thank you for all that you do!

I was still nursing Kelsey when she had major surgery at 14 months. No one could believe how quickly she recovered, but those of us closest knew the nursing, comfort and closeness played a huge part. I was so relieved to be able to give that to her at such a crucial time.

Kimberly @ Fertility Flower said...

Hmmm. I don't have ANY breastfeeding pictures. I should get on that.

I did notice the shirt :-) Who cares? I wear the same stuff 3 bits of clothes all the time!

Melodie said...

Beautiful photos. The one after his third birthday is my favorite. I love the red in both of your hair.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Those are a great series of shots. I don't have a single breastfeeding picture of myself and now our breastfeeding days are done. :(

Momma Jorje said...

Wonderful "warm fuzzy" pics there! Thanks for sharing your beautiful nursing relationship with us!

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