Just a
few announcements for you on this fine Thursday!
A post of mine has been republished on the
BlogHer main page:

Such an important message, so I'm glad it's getting out there more widely! Be safe this summer (and year-round) and keep an eye on your kids around water. If you haven't already, go read the post to find out what drowning does and doesn't sound like.
Photo by Mario Tama, Getty Images
The Nursing in Public vs. Public Smoking series
has continued this week, with the fourth installment going live today. Check back at
my post for the other bloggers' links, including elucidation of the public health costs or benefits, the legal aspects, and the effect on bystanders.
NursingFreedom.org will have them all posted for posterity
tomorrow Monday in case anyone dares to make such a ridiculous comparison again.
The Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival
is going on this week through the end of the month. It's not too late to join in if you want

write about breastfeeding in the company of others. Email Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com for a list of the topics and posting dates. For more on the Breastfeeding Cafe in Salt Lake City, go to
www.breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com. My
Wordless Wednesday post yesterday was a contribution (links to other participants are at the bottom), and I hope to have more as the carnival continues. In fact, I'm trying to decide right now whether to stay up and
right write something for today or get some sleep. The fact I can't spell might suggest sleep is the wiser choice. At any rate, come enjoy writing or reading about all manner of breastfeeding topics as the carnival continues!
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