Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Hobo baby

Hobo Baby with train conductor's hat and harmonica


Bibliomama said...

So cute it should be illegal.

Olivia said...

Too cute! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

LindsayDianne said...

I just cannot get over his hair.
You're brave, giving him this. I just can't tolerate it.
We have on on our vanity in our bedroom. I hope she never finds it again.

Lauren Wayne said...

Bibliomama: It is in seven states. ;)

LindsayDianne: I was really stupid and gave him a kazoo in the car the other day — and showed him how to use it. Oh, my. Whole.ride.home.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

He just needs to hop a box car.

My sister gave the kids a harmonica and a kazoo. I had hide it. Lucky for me they have short memories.

Lisa C said...

What, no commentary this time? J/K. That is the dang cutest picture ever!

Crystal said...

Really cute - love the blog

Diana H said...

You'll be a high school band roadie parent in no time.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Too cute! The hat makes the whole outfit perfect!

BK said...

Simply adorable!

Anonymous said...

I am suddenly seized with a desire to sing "King of the Road". :)

LindsayDianne said...

LOL I read about the kazoo. How'd he figure out how to use it. I still can't master those things.
You have a musical GENIUS on your hands.

Run DMT said...

How precious! He just needs a long stick with a red handkerchief tied to it. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by for WW. Sorry for swinging by so late. Have a great weekend!

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