For a recent Family Day, Sam and Mikko conspired to tempt us all into an adventurous bike ride. Mikko had this idea to bike all the way to 7-11, about 3 miles one direction, and he'd never biked that far before. His reward would be a Slurpee, of course.

Alrik and I were game. He loves his hand-me-down front-mounted seat!

Whee! We took several breaks, but spirits were high.

We got a later start than planned because we realized Sam didn't have a helmet and had to run out and buy one. That meant we got to see a nice sunset and enjoy the thrill of biking back in the dark…
But first, of course, we took a ton of selfies.

We stopped at the rickety stairs down to the water.

Pretty view, but I have to admit I was nervous about someone losing something (or someone) in the water.

Turns out I was right! Plop went Mikko's Croc … right into the sound. I figured it was gone and he'd be biking half-shoeless back home. Sam, quick thinker he is, lay down on his stomach on the steps and reached out a long arm to snag the escaped and soggy shoe as it drifted by. Our hero!

We took another stop at the anchor park. Alrik and I decided to ride on ahead, buy our snacks and a well-needed drink, and then ride back to get the car so we could pick up a tiring Mikko. Only…once I got to 7-11, I remembered I'd left my wallet at home.

So Alrik and I spent a long time hanging out in 7-11 before we saw this welcome sight.

A just reward!

Rosy-cheeked and triumphant.
And, hey, our 6-mile trip only took us…four hours or so. Score!
And several really sore butts the next day…
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Looks like you had a great time! Awesome shot on that stairs! Thanks for sharing! :)
I love all those happy smiling family photos. Looks like a successful bike ride.
One of my frustrations in life is that I dont know how to bike. This trip with your family looks awesome! #WordlessWednesday
awesome! looks like you had a really good time
What fun! My mom and I took our first bike ride of the season together last Saturday. That sunset is glorious.
Your pictures are lovely but I especially love the happy faces! I'm terrible on bikes. Hurts my back and my rear end!
Teresa from NanaHood
Beautiful photos of your family!
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