During my babymoon, I might not be the bestest Wordless Wednesday host, but I hope you understand. For instance, last week I completely forgot to put up a post in time! Apparently I pushed too hard during the birth and my brain popped out the top. You have to be careful about that sort of thing.

Turning 4 is no reason to stop playing on top of boxes…

…or inside of them.

I spy, with my little eye…

No pictures while I'm on duty, ma'am.

Sweetest big brother ever. He loves to hold Alrik and tell him, "You're a yitta-bit cute baby!" That would be "little bit" and is not intended as a veiled insult, fyi. Also? Despite how embarrassing it might be for him when he's in his thirties or so, I hope Mikko never learns how to pronounce his Ls right.

Mikko likes to make a special spot on his lap for his baby brother. He also fetches us diapers, offers Alrik a soothing finger to suck on as his car seat buddy, and lets him know what's going on in the world.

My boys, after I got up for the day. I've been sleeping in that space between Mikko and Alrik, though sometimes Mikko and Sam swap places. And sometimes Mikko ends up on the floor downstairs. It's a configuration in progress.
We've also been tandem nursing, which has been an adventure in itself. I don't have a good picture yet, and I need to blog about the subject for sure, but one thing that cracks me up is that Mikko helps Alrik out by leaning over and rhythmically squeezing my breast while Alrik nurses to pump out the milk for him! This was entirely Mikko's idea but one Jack Newman would approve of.

Mikko's become the master of creative conglomerations. This is a mop tied to the Cozy Coupe to make it a "cleaning truck," with a motorcycle (aka tricycle) strung along behind. Hard to drive, but fun to knot together. He also chose the indoor helmet usage.

This is a project from Schule where Mikko was apparently supposed to draw a house, and then this is the grass growing in the yard. He instead drew this "remote control robot in outer space." His teacher told me he could draw windows and a door at home on the back — as if I'd prefer that over a remote control robot from outer space!

I canNOT believe how much Mikko looks like Sam as a kid in this picture. Down to the Star Wars shirt, heh.

Birthday festivities! I've been feeling horribly guilty that we didn't do more for his birthday, given that we have a two-week-old. Seeing these pictures makes me feel a little better that we still had a good ol' time.

Isn't this how you eat your cupcakes?

We braved the beach traffic near our home (an hour for what's usually a seven-minute drive down the street — egads!) and took the water taxi downtown.

Red Robin on the waterfront gives a free birthday meal and opportunities for preschool art installations.

He didn't want anyone to sing to him, but he sure did want the "damilla" ice cream. (That would be "vanilla.")

Then over to the arcade for air hockey and lollipop prizes.

He's still at an age where he thinks losing is hilarious.

Happy birthday, big boy.
You'll always be my baby.
You'll also love this week's mega-collection of photos (it's the week for it, apparently) on the topic of Exploring Food over at Natural Parents Network!
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Happy Bday, Miko!
What a great photo post! Such a celebration of the little one's life! Thanks for sharing :D
gorgeous photos!
(and happy birthday to all of you for Mikko's day!)
These are so lovely! Happy birthday, little guy. The 4th bday is really special because it's the first year they really GET it. From my nephew, that's my impression at least. My little guy is only two and his thing is just singing happy birthday. When it comes to the concept of the actual birthday, he's not there yet.
My nephew, who turned four in March, went around for weeks saying, "my birthday is never going to come." Then it did!
Happy Birthday, Mikko! Looks like he's having lots of fun!
Oh! The cuteness! (grabs chest, as if shot) OMG, The cuteness!
Is it just me, or is your bed HYOOOJ?! Wow!
I enjoyed every single one of these adorable pics, Lauren. Wonderful tribute to your little guy! Does he know about your posts? If so, what does he think?
It looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration for Mikko! The mei tai looks really great, too. Is it comfy? =)
Happy Birthday Mikko (and happy BIRTHday to you mama)! My baby just turned four, too! :)
The sleeping picture is too sweet.
Happy Birthday, Mikko!
The photos of your two boys together are going to do me in. *sigh*
Aw, it really does like you all had a grand old time. Happy belated to Mikko!
Happy Birthday, Mikko! Such wonderful pictures, and it looks like you all had a sweet time. (Love damilla). The library computer doesn't allow right clicking and has my blog address blocked in McLinky, so feel free to stop by at http://www.simple-whimsy.blogspot.com if you're interest in our WW this week.
I love the comment about tandem nursing... my little Gigi does the same thing. She also likes to help push my nipple into her sister's mouth :) Tandem nursing is the best!!!
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
Alright, woman... did you do 26 pics on purpose! I find it amusing that you precisely matched the # of photos on NPN! lol
Also meant to say that I very much look forward to your tandem nursing post!
Where do I begin? So much to comment on.
Happy Birthday, Mikko! You look like you are an excellent big brother!
I just love the photos of him interacting with Alrik. The love and gentleness in those photos is so special.
Feel free to keep making babies - you certainly build them cute. :P
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
Beautiful! LOVE the cosleeping picture! Your bed looks huuuuuuge from that angle!
Mikko's birthday sounds fabulous, and the trip downtown particularly adventurous and birthday-worthy, to me! What fun!
Working on my belated birthday post for Elsie and Delia now. Hooray for May/June birthdays!
Happy Birthday Mikko! The hose picture is the BEST! Hope it was warm out! And your bed looks absolutely ginormous! Little bit jealous... or more like yitta bit jealous... ;)
Oh yeah, ps, visiting from Natural
Parents Network! :D
Happy Birthday, Mikko!
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
So much cute! It looks like Mikko has changed his mind about wanting baby Alrik to stay in forever. :)
Happy Birthday to Mikko, and happy becoming-a-mama day to you.
OMG these are sooo fab! I love the ones with the fireman outfit AND the ones with Miko and Alrik AND the ones of the men co-sleeping AND... they are breathing life and joy into me, as we speak. Beautiful!
Mikko is adorable.
Realizing for sure I live in the same city as you. :-)
Happy Birthday, Mikko! Those are great pictures, Lauren! Our family likes Red Robin as they are the last restaurant around that still gives out balloons to kids. A $.05 balloon=toddler happiness for a whole meal=priceless!
He's getting so big!!! And I can totally see the resemblance to Sam now. I mean, he's probably always looked like Sam but I never had it jump out at me before.
Happy birthday Mikko!!
(btw, that cupcake looks divine)
Happy 4th Birthday Mikko. Those are adorable photos - I never tire of seeing his cute face. Glad you had a good celebration ...love the photo of you with Alrik in his Mei Tai. All beautiful.
Happy 4th birthday to Mikko! Love the pictures posted! So nice to see Mikko bonding well with his baby brother!
Oh do post about your tandem nursing experience. I'm hoping I could go for that too when my 2nd child comes in Sept!
Btw, I've added my WW post into your linky! Enjoy! :)
Thanks, everyone! Mikko's a great person to live with and have gotten to know these past four years. :)
Just a note on the bed, because I realize the picture's deceptive: We have a king-size mattress on the floor, and then we dragged in the toddler mattress (we picked it up for free from people giving it away) to add a little extra space. It's a lot shorter than the king-size mattress, of course — both in terms of length and height. So Sam's on the little mattress in the picture and, in his words, "humping" the side of our big mattress. Lately we've successfully transferred Mikko from falling asleep nursing in my lap to the little mattress to sleep all night. And by "lately," I mean the past two nights. So it could change at any time… The king mattress feels positively cavernous without Mikko in it and just the baby and Sam and me. But with Mikko — well, let's just say he knows how to fill any vacuum. :) One night I woke up with him sprawled ON TOP OF my head.
@Amy @ Anktangle: It's super comfy! It's Sam's new favorite carrier, and here I thought it was going to be too girly for him. ;)
@The Happy Hippie Homemaker: Right after you wrote that, Mikko did the same thing, with pushing Alrik's head onto the breast. :) So funny.
@Momma Jorje: Mikko sometimes sees his pictures up but I don't think cares much (yet) what I write. :) We'll see what happens as he gets more conscious of it, of course!
And re: the 26 pictures. Isn't that funny? I was trying in vain to cut them down and finally was just like, Screw it — they're all going in. And when I heard from you you had 26 at NPN, I had to count mine — and they matched! I figured that was a sign that I'd chosen correctly. :)
@Michelle @ The Parent Vortex: You're totally right! I completely forgot how much his perspective has turned around on that point. :)
@bitt: {waves!}
@Brittany@Mama's Felt Cafe: Exactly!
Seems like a fun filled birthday with a newb in town!! Awesome.
I love love love the photo of big brother with little brother on his lap with that rainbow knit blanket and woolies diaper cover. Swoon.
My favorite part is the helmet in the car! Happy bday big bro!
Visiting from Natural Parents Network!
Happy belated birthday to Mikko!
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