Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Surf: This is dedicated to the one I love

In light of Alrik's birth, I'm making my Sunday Surf quick & dirty.

father and newborn baby son Alrik 4 weeks old in window
Happy Father's Day, Sam! You've got two sons who think you're the best. And they're right.
Welcome to the Sunday Surf! Here are some of the best links I've read this past week.

We're going out for a celebratory pizza. Not really because it's Father's Day, just mostly because we're hungry and like that. But I'll still take this opportunity to express my joy at sharing parenting with my partner.

And now, completely unrelated, on to the links…

via on 6/19/11
Love this dedication to stepping back & seeing how kids can manage their own interactions.
Itook my boys to a La Leche League meeting last week, and my son took toys from everyone. It was a disaster. I was stressed, the boys were stressed, and everyone around us was stressed. One of the mothers confronted

via on 6/19/11
So glad to hear honest talk about nursing aversion — I'm going through this in some part with Mikko (as opposed to with Alrik), and it's good to hear it's normal and can pass.

Also helpful is this companion article with strategies on "What to Do When You Hate to Breastfeed."

Upcoming carnivals:

Two fabulous opportunities to write in community with other natural parents!
  • The Freedom of Cloth Carnival from Natural Parents Network:
    As the Natural Parents Network works to compile your articles into a cloth diapering resource, we’re excited to announce that we will also be hosting a week long cloth diapering carnival. The Freedom of Cloth Carnival is scheduled over the week of July 4th (July 3-9) to celebrate the beauty of finding independence from unnecessary waste through the use of cloth diapers, as well as to support independent, mama-run businesses. … You are welcome to participate on just one day, or join us all week long.
    See the post for details on daily themes and submitting articles.
  • 2nd Annual Carnival of Gentle Discipline from Baby Dust Diaries:
    Last year’s Carnival of Gentle Discipline was a wonderful success. Our participants posts were read widely and helped spread the word that there IS another way to parent that is non punitive. This year, let’s do it again! The 2nd Annual Carnival of Gentle Discipline will take place June 27 through July 1.
    See the post for details on how to submit original and previously published articles.

Visit Natural Parents Network

From Natural Parents Network:


You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.

Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, I Thought I Knew Mama, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Fabulous Mama Chronicles, Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex (weekends), Ichigo Means Strawberry, TouchstoneZ, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)

Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!


Jenny said...

Oh. I am going to have to get me one of those pStyle things.

Lindsay said...

Looking forward to reading through the links, thanks Lauren! And I did a Sunday Surf this week:

dulce de leche said...

Thank you so much! Many warm hugs to you! <3

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