Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My cosleeping boys

I had to keep opening the curtain further and further to snap this snuggly shot.
Glad I didn't wake them both up!

You'll love this week's roundup of interesting pictures on the topic of "Breastfeeding Alternatives" over at Natural Parents Network. See the way infants can be fed with love and respect when nursing isn't possible or not the right choice.

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MomAgain@40 said...

Nothing as precious and innocent as catching them while sleeping :D

Luschka @Diary of a First Child said...

Can't believe you risked waking them! *pulls hair out* naaah! just kidding, well worth it. It's a lovely shot. Makes me wonder though - Kyra WILL NOT sleep under a blanket, no matter how cold it is, even if I cover her when she's fast asleep - she climbs out... I hope she'll grow out of it!

Melissa said...

Love it! Such a sweet photo. I need to attempt some more cosleeping pics before the girls outgrow the need.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Does it just melt you? <3

I found my boys snuggled up together one night and couldn't resist a grainy shot in the dark!

Momma Jorje said...

So sweet! Thankfully, my pair usually sleep through a flash. heh

Michelle @ The Parent Vortex said...

Aw, so cosy! I wish we had more nice co-sleeping photos.

Unknown said...

Aww, how very sweet! I love seeing my boys sleeping together, too. There's nothing quite as precious and snuggly.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Sleeping shots are always so peaceful.

Carol said...

Such a sweet shot of your angels :) Always angels when they sleep, LOL!

Unknown said...

Her first year, I counted no less than a total of 327 pictures taken of her and family sleeping... Every single one as precious as the last.

Run DMT said...

Co-sleeping is simply wonderful for moment like this. How sweet!

teresa said...

They look so much alike!! Too cute.

Apryl said...

Some of my favorite pictures of my own boys are of them sleeping. I love it when Daddy is in there too. Great shot! So glad you were able to get it without waking them.

The ArtsyMama said...

I love it in the morning when I'm leaving for work and I catch my husband and Little Man sleeping. It is still to early for light to come in our windows though. I've got to use the bathroom light to snap a quick photo.

pat.navymom said...

Appreciate supportive dads involved with their kids even in a relaxed way,

Jenn said...

I love watching my boys cosleep. It does the mama heart good.

Brynn said...

We loved to co-sleep as a family until the second little one came along. At that point, it felt like a cross between those two nursery rhymes: "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" & "There Were Five in the Bed and the Little One Said..."

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