I have a confession to make. I have two links to share. Two. And one is a link I forgot to share last week, so it doesn't even really count as belonging to this week.
It's not that I didn't read this week. Oh, I read! I read 51 Carnival of Natural Parenting posts. Yes, 51 this month! (That's not including my own.)

So I thought about skipping this week's Sunday Surf, but then I realized I'd miss out on highlighting the February Carnival to you, which was truly fabulous, as well as some other bloggy fun going around my sites, and the two lovely links I have to share.
So here we go, regardless:
- "Revisiting the ring sling with a toddler" from Monkey Butt Junction: I love to see toddler babywearing! Ring slings on a hip carry can be just the thing an older but still snuggly little one needs. Hint: You can see a recent instance of long-term babywearing in my carnival post. Here's another from last year:

- "Becoming His Own Person" from Code Name: Mama: Aw!
- "How to add 'Read More' jump tags in Blogger" from Lauren Wayne: My newest blogging obsession. Take a look at the home page of Hobo Mama to see "Read more" in action, and read my little tutorial if you want to know why and how to add this function to your blog.
P.S. I'm not fast about writing them, so I'm not promising speed, but if there's a particular bloggy question you have that you'd like to see a tutorial on, let me know. Momma Jorje has already requested footnotes, so that's up next!
- Which reminds me of a sweet post Momma Jorje wrote about "Body Image - Getting Over It": I guess I did read more than one other article! Momma Jorje takes the call (via Arwyn) to share a picture of herself she wouldn't otherwise have shared, to be in solidarity with all of us who feel our bodies are not worthy, for whatever reason, of being on display.
- Did I mention we had a February Carnival of Natural Parenting this past week? We did, and it was excellente. Our participants shared the parenting essentials they could not live without, from Boppies to books to partners to children — a lot of them were very inspiring and thoughtful, so I decided to be neither.
Please do scroll down to check out all the amazing links and click over to the ones that look interesting to you!
- From Natural Parents Network, in a week on Natural Learning:
- "Toddler and Preschooler Activity Bag Fun!" from Kristin of Intrepid Murmurings: I made a few of these sorts of collections for travel, but Kristin's ideas look so fun. I need to find some spare time now to make a bunch of these for when the baby's born and Mikko's pinging off the walls! Maybe Kristin wants to get together with me to make some more…hee hee.
- "The Hidden Benefit of Video Games" from Kaila Halvorsen: I love it when natural parents realize that the technology we initially view as "icky" can actually be a pathway for us into our children's learning, enjoyment, and connection.
- "What’s Your Philosophy of Education?" from Rachael of The Variegated Life: Reflecting on and developing your own viewpoint of what education is, and what best fits your particular kids.
- Remember, if you want to write for NPN, give us a holler: Dionna {at} NaturalParentsNetwork {dot} com.

- Some fabulous new giveaways!
- The DivaCup reusable menstrual cup $39.99 {2.28; US/Can}: I don't like the goopiness of pads alone or the drying effects of tampons, so a reusable menstrual cup is just right for me. Enter to win one so you can give it a try!
I'm pleased to announce Green Your Period, a special series of reviews and giveaways on sustainable menstrual options. I'm not the only one who gets geeky excited over cloth pads and such, am I?- Lunapads Organic Cotton Sampler Pack $39 ARV {3.12; US/Can}: Lunapads is offering a maxi pad plus
liner and a pantiliner for giveaway in organic cotton. I love their innovative system of rickrack to hold the liners in place on their pads. And the bright colors!
- Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion $18 {3.3, US/Can}: Dry winter skin? Read our reviewer's raves for this moisturizing and shielding lotion, which promises to protect your hands from the drying effects of hand washing.
- Natural Parents Network ~ Respectful Parents Respectful Kids book $18 {3.13; US}: Dionna's leading a book discussion on this parenting book. Enter the giveaway, and get bonus entries for participating in the discussion.
You can find more shared items during the week at my public Google Reader recommendations feed.
Check out Authentic Parenting, Baby Dust Diaries, Navelgazing, Momma Jorje, Enjoy Birth, A Domesticated Woman's Adventures (various), Kelly Hogaboom (Fridays), The Parent Vortex, Hippie Housewife (Saturdays), Multiple Musings, Motherhood Moments, Mama and Baby Love, and A Little Bit of All of It for more Sunday Surfing! (If you also participate in a regular link list, whether on Sunday or not, let me know and I'll add your link.)
Feel free to add your recommendations in the comments. Happy reading!
I second the footnote request, esp. for blogger. I've figured out a way to code them by hand, but it's so cumbersome it's not worth the trouble, particularly since blogger "helps" by sabotaging my internal links and forcing me to go back and correct them after the post goes live. I'm sure you know a better way, so I look forward to learning about it.
Rachel - I've never figured out an easy way to do FNs in Blogger either, but it is my 2nd bloggy home, so . . . yeah. ;)
Lauren - you are a good, good woman for doing Sunday Surf so faithfully. I've been *meaning* to do it for months, and I never do. Thank you for including me, even though I keep failing to start my own SS.
I can hardly believe I've been doing Sunday Surf for 14 weeks, without fail, now!
And jeez, I follow your links to NPN where I click through to other links and then to others. Next thing I know I've added MORE blogs to my MUST READ list. lol Curse you! :-D
@Rachel: I hate to disappoint you & Dionna, but the only way I know is hand-coding, too. I wish there were a super-easy way; maybe someday! What I find is that you absolutely canNOT switch back to Compose mode once you've added a footnote, or it does that stupid mess-up with the internal links, as you mentioned. Grr.
@Momma Jorje: I know it! I've been really impressed. And I have to say, I have the same dang problem reading your links. Too many rabbit trails to go down & fun things to read! :)
I've really been appreciating your Sunday Surf recommendations each week, and I'd like to start my own Sunday Surf this coming weekend. Can you please add me to your list? Thanks!!
I really enjoyed reading your Sunday surf. I will admit I'm still pretty new to all of this, but I already discovered that it can be so addicting. I love the natural products your selected this week! Two thumbs up! :)
I also love the Sunday Surf, but am also totally fine with just a link or two sometimes! No worries!
Thanks for linking to my activity bags! I would totally do some activity bags with you, and am pretty sure I could round up a larger group swap with the AP group if you are interested...
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