Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Surf: Snow day, single

Hobo Mama wants you to know she's a professional blogger! Look at how professional she's being!

Welcome to the Sunday Surf, a tour of the best blogposts I've read throughout the week.

It's been awhile, I know. I described why in this post, but I'll recap:
  1. Excise taxes. Enough said.
  2. I wrote a book.
  3. I helped put together the Essential Parenting Collection from Mindful Nurturing.

But, let's jump back in, shall we?

Sunday Surf: Snow day, single == Hobo Mama
When you get one day of snow per winter, you have to take advantage!

Sunday Surf: Snow day, single == Hobo Mama
Catching snowflakes

Sunday Surf: Snow day, single == Hobo Mama
Wee snowman!



How to increase your Facebook page fans and interaction

New from Mindful Nurturing:

Essential Parenting Collection from Mindful Nurturing
Speaking of it before…here are some more details!

Thirty-five hand-selected resources chosen to transform your parenting — and they can all be in your library.

It's Mindful Nurturing's Essential Parenting Collection, of which I'm an organizer and contributor. We've got mini-collections available on the topics of Pregnancy and Birth, Parenting the Early Years, Child Development, Mindful Guidance, and Resources for Parents. The full collection includes printable coloring books, eCourses, eBooks, Audiobooks, Workshops, online yoga courses, and more.

Shall we dive in? You want to know exactly what's inside, right? You can look a little closer in my full post on the resources, or you can go straight to the site for all the info!

Twitter party:

Join us TOMORROW for our monthly #NatParNet Twitter party! This month we're talking Organic Gardening. Prizes, info, FUN — join in! 7 p.m. Pacific / 10 p.m. Eastern, Monday, February 17.


Giveaway: $1,000 gift card from silky-smooth Suave Professionals® Moroccan Infusion Body Care {2.28; US}
Enter to win a generous gift card, by just answering one little question!

Giveaway: $1,000 gift card from Suave

Lots more exciting giveaways on the natural parenting giveaway linky — add yours, too!
Natural parenting giveaways

Surf with us:

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaWe love following along with fellow Sunday Surfers. If you have your own post of reading links to share, please link up your post on Hobo Mama or on Authentic Parenting. The linky will go live every Sunday, and you can link up any day that week. You only need to add your post to one of the sites, and the linky will automatically show up on both sites.

You can get the Sunday Surf button by Jenna Designs and some code to add to your post from my Sunday Surf page.

Check out previous editions for good reading, and you can find more shared items during the week at my Tumblr blog, Hobo Mama's Shared Items.

This linky list is now closed.


Becky said...

I haven't been feeling Sunday Surf this year. I've been neglecting online reading (blog and otherwise) a lot. I have been reading a few books, but otherwise, I haven't been spending my time productively.

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