He's ready for his head shot.
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at my new super-cool collection of Wordless Wednesday linkies,
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oh my goodness! That is a whole lot of adorableness!
shhhhhhHh! love that one!
When I first started reading here, you didn't post pics of Mikko very often. Well he is one beautiful babe! I always enjoy your great shots of him! Thanks for sharing!
Does it count as a WW post if I post something WITH text, then post a WW post? heh
Way too adorable! :)
What a cutie you have!
oh he is super cute!
Oh my goodness! He is just way too adorable! I love the smile, the hair, his eyes- the whole package really.
Thanks for stopping by for WW! :-)
How adorable!
SO CUTE! And his eyelashes are so freakin long. I'd kill for those!
I love the smile and curly hair!
Awesome photos! He is adorable!
Way too cute... and yes, adorable!
OMG! Adorable indeed! I love the hair, the eyes and the smile. :)
Have a wonderful Wordless Wednesday.
I played too. Mine are here and here.
Jorje: I know. I had this idea I should be kind of anonymous. It didn't last. Ha! :) And I'm always flouting the wordless rules, so go for it!
kitchenwitch: It's always the boys, isn't it?? My little brother had the same lashes, and everyone always thought he was a girl as a baby.
Those eyelashes are INSANE. So THICK! What a cutie.
Definite adorableness!
I just want to eat him up!
Love the new thumbnail linky too!
Great curls.
That is one delicious baby. But in the first shot, it kind of looks like he's holding one normal baby doll and one with two heads. :)
And I think most of us have proven that we are wholly unable to be completely wordless.
That first one is way too precious. We only have one doll for Michael (one I had as a kid), but he doesn't play with it a whole lot, just when he hasn't seen it in a while. I wonder though, if I got him a nice Waldorf doll...or would it be a waste of money?
Oh look at those curls! And those eyes... Adorable!! :)
Oh my goodness...he's such a cutie! I love that he's getting an early start in learning how to be a daddy! It's so important for little boys to have exposure to baby dolls too. Great job mama!
Thanks for stopping by and linking your WW post up over at my place again this week. Have a great day!
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
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