It's always carnival season around here!
I want to highlight a few upcoming blog carnivals and then fill you in on all the ongoing ones that I've been a part of.
(Yes, I've been busy.)
Upcoming: Carnival of Gentle Discipline
![Gentle Parent - art by Erika Hastings at](
- Hosted by: Baby Dust Diaries
- Submissions due: April 19
- Carnival date: April 26-30
Gentle Discipline is one of the terms used to describe a parenting style that is unconditional and non-punitive both emotionally and physically.
Submit original posts, best already published posts by you or other bloggers, and 411 Tweet-length tips! You can write about any topic related to gentle discipline — some suggestions are personal experiences, how you came to GD, resisting pressure to discipline punitively, using time-in instead of time-out, or the dangers of praise.
![National Spank Out Day USA April 30 2010](
Getting the word out about the dangers of punitive discipline and about the valuable alternatives that exist can make a difference in the life of children everywhere. You can use your blog posts and the Carnival posts to spread the word! Tweet the Carnival (#CarGD and/or #gentlediscipline) post it on Facebook and get the word out. The more people who read about Gentle Discipline the more likely that we can change one child’s life for the better.
So go grab the button for your sidebar, submit articles for the carnival, and promote the type of discipline that nurtures and protects!
![Parent With Gentle Love -- My World Edenwild Parent With Gentle Love -- My World Edenwild](
When I think of a "blanket" approach to parenting…something that would probably work for every family, I think of parenting the way Jesus would. And when I think of how Jesus would parent, I can only imagine him being loving, respectful, and gentle. He wouldn’t hit, reprimand, or punish. He wouldn’t leave a child alone in tears. In every image I have in my head regarding Jesus and children, I see him full of love and gentleness.
You don’t have to be Christian to take this pledge. You only have to promise to yourself to try your best to be gentle, respectful, and loving to children, most especially your own. And you have to promise that you will be gentle with yourself, and forgive yourself when you aren’t perfect.
Visit My World Edenwild's Gentle Love page to sign the pledge and post the button to declare your commitment to parenting gently and respectfully.
Upcoming: Blog for Fair Pay Day
- Hosted by:
- Submissions due: April 20
- Carnival date: April 20
April 20th will mark Equal Pay Day—the point in 2010 when the average woman's wages finally catch up with what the average man earned in 2009.
The theme for this year’s Blog for Fair Pay Day is, “What would it mean if there weren’t a $10,662 wage gap?”
When President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law last year, it restored the right to hold employers accountable in court for wage discrimination. But significant as it is, the fight for pay equity is not over. Women still only make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men—and for women of color, the numbers are even worse: African-American women make 69 cents and Latinas make 59 cents for every dollar paid to men. In order for women to be able to successfully challenge pay discrimination, the law must be improved.
A bill before the Senate, the Paycheck Fairness Act, would update and strengthen the law in important ways and would give women the tools they need to hold their employers accountable.
Sign up to blog for fair pay here, and urge your senators to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Via Paige at Baby Dust Diaries — thanks!
Upcoming: Carnival of Feminist Parenting
- Hosted by: Mothers for Women's Lib
- Submissions due: May 9
- Carnival date: May 16, 2010
The Carnival of Feminist Parenting is a two-monthly carnival, highlighting some of the very best writing about issues in feminist parenting, particularly feminist motherhood. … If you think it’s relevant to feminist motherhood/parenting, then it probably is.
Submit your posts or links to others' posts, and give Anji ideas about how better to promote the carnival.
Upcoming: Crafting my Life Link-up
ETA 10:27 p.m. because I'm flaky and distracted
- Hosted by:
- Link up: April 29
April’s Crafting my Life series is about dealing with negativity. On the last Thursday of the month, which just happens to be the 29th, I will include a link up. To participate, write a post on this month’s theme anytime in April, or track down a post you’ve written on the subject sometime in the past, and add yourself to the list. Then read everyone else’s ideas and thoughts and be inspired!
Now live! Carnival of Natural Parenting
![Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama](
- Hosted by: Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama
- Theme: Parenting advice
For the April Carnival of Natural Parenting, we each asked our readers for advice. We had such a variety of relevant questions, and wonderful suggestions in the answers.
Read my post on how to convince my toddler to walk upstairs with his own two legs, and then scroll to the end for the list of links to visit some of our other participants. This is your chance to be a know-it-all and be thanked for it!
Find the schedule and themes for upcoming Carnivals of Natural Parenting here.
Now live! Attachment Parenting Carnival
- Hosted by: Attachment Parenting International
- Theme: Respond with sensitivity
Go read a wonderful selection of posts on responding to our children quickly and empathetically, from birth on, including the post I submitted on following a child's lead in play.
Find the schedule and themes for upcoming API carnivals here.
Now live! Body Image Carnival
![ballet stretching over one leg](
- Hosted by: Breastfeeding Moms Unite! and Maman A Droit
- Dates: April 12-18
Go browse through both their blogs from April 12 on to read collections of links to body-image posts, as well as product reviews and giveaways from companies that promote healthy body image. There are some wonderful nursing bras and clothing, for instance, last I looked!
The post I submitted was "Hello, I'm a dancer" if you haven't had a chance to read it yet. That's me being all dancer-y in that picture. Hey, at least I'm flexible!
At the end of the week, the links will be collected here.
Now live! Healthy Birth Blog Carnival
- Hosted by: Science & Sensibility
- Title: Push it real good!
- Theme: Self-directed pushing during the second stage of labor
Go read a selection of stories of what a spontaneous, upright pushing experience is like, including the post I submitted on how much I loved pushing during labor (!). I also included helpful ways you can prepare your body for the pushing stage, from Kegels to squat practice!
Just a note that my post is included in the section on how pushing can go well even if your baby weighs 11+ pounds — and I have company in that category. Hooray for our bodies and their wonderful abilities!
Check back at Science & Sensibility for upcoming Healthy Birth Blog Carnivals.
Ongoing! Poem-a-Day Challenge
![girl writing poetry over tea](
- Hosted by: Poetic Asides
- Dates: April 1-30
I've gotten a little behind in my Poem-a-Day Challenge, what with the Carnival of Natural Parenting and taxes, but that's OK, because I'm allowed to catch up! (And I will.)
If you like writing poetry, feel free to join in now and finish out the rest of the month with some solid new poems. As I mentioned before, I'm trying to write as many parenting poems as I can within the confines of the daily prompts from Robert Lee Brewer. It's really been satisfying to get my thoughts and feelings on parenting into poetic form! For instance, April 15's prompt was on deadlines — perhaps a due-date poem? And April 8's call to write about a tool? I wrote an ode to my breast pump. Come have fun with me!
(P.S. I also wrote a didactic post on how best to write current poetry. Let me know how obnoxious and/or helpful it is, 'k? And then ignore it and enjoy yourself.)
Hobo Mama Giveaways!
Melissa & Doug wooden puzzle from
a Simplisse Breastfeeding Companion manual breast pump + breastfeeding accessory kit!
These aren't carnivals, but they're just as much fun.
Head on over to Hobo Mama Reviews to witness Mikko's fantastic alphabet skills in action and enter for a chance to win a Melissa & Doug wooden puzzle of your choice from Gummy Lump Toys.
Then check out the newest Simplisse manual breast pump I was privileged to review. It's a breast pump that uses new technology to replicate a baby's gentle compression of your breasts, rather than a pulling and suction on your nipples as is the case with other pumps. The breastfeeding accessories accompanying it, plus the breast pump, come to a whopping $116 value!
Enter either or both by May 12.
I've got a couple more great giveaways coming up soon that I'm just as excited about! Stay tuned.
Photo of woman poet courtesy aurelio.asiain on flickr (cc)
I'm feeling a little inundated with all the carnivals, aren't you? I think it's paralyzed me to the point where I can't even go read all the lovely posts! (Well, except yours and other blogs I normally read). I guess I could try to read a few more...
And thanks for blogging about the gentle love pledge! I really hope it helps more people realize that they don't have to use harsh methods to raise their children.
For our Carnival of Natural Parenting, we divide participants up into commenting groups of 6-7 blogs each. That way, they don't feel obligated to read and comment on all 34 (in this instance) but can if they want. Maybe you could do something similar in your own mind. :) Just pick the articles that sound interesting to you and focus on those few.
I find my Google Reader just as intimidating and can easily spend hours following all the links. I've had to impose limits on how much I read and let the guilt at not being a completist go.
I will have to spend some time looking at all those!! lol
left you a fun award at my blog
thanks for the equal pay alert! I just sent a message to my senator. It's insane we're still not there yet.
When I was a small girl I would picket with my mom and her co-workers demanding equal pay in the 70s. Women with the same education and job as men were paid HALF!! HALF!!
The excuse employers (even govt) made that women didn't need a full paycheck was cuz they were living at home and mooching off of daddy until they got married and then they were being taken care of by a husband. So the paycheck was for superflous things like makeup and sexy clothes. Not trying to feed 4 children with the dead-beat dad nowhere in sight.
We still have a lot to do with getting more women in management. It will be nice for pay to be equal per position, but it would be nice to see more women in high-paying positions of power... That is how those jobs will be made more family-friendly, too. I'm sure men don't like working 70 hours a week either.
This month has been a BIG one for carnivals - I empathize with Lisa C. In fact, I'm really glad you posted this - with all of the time I've spent writing for the carnivals, I haven't even had a chance to look at my Reader in almost a week and had no idea some of these were live. Oops!
Thanks, Lauren! You are prolific in your thoroughness and it's GREATLY appreciated by less-thorough bloggers like myself :)
Geeks in Rome: Thanks for inspiring my next post! HALF!! Ack. It's really making me mad that anyone ever thought women deserved less because they theoretically had a daddy or husband taking care of them. As if unmarried men were paid less than men with families!
Dionna: I'm still catching up, too! And my back went out, so I lost a couple days in there.
Jessica: "Thorough" is nicer than "obsessive," which is the word I usually use, so thank you!
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